BECAUSE of heavy processing requirements, we
are currently using some of your unused brain capacity for
backup processing. Please ignore any hallucinations, voices
or unusual dreams you may experience. Avoid all
concentration-intensive tasks until further notice.
Thank You!~ 
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[FOLDER] Parent Directory   - Agonizing Memories
[DIR]agents_logiciels.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:31138.89KAgents logiciels
[DIR]algo2_epfl.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:3159.46KCours d'algorithmie 2 (epfl)
[DIR]algo3_epfl.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:3155.74KCours d'algorithmie 3 (epfl)
[DIR]algo4_epfl.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:3186.93KCours d'algorithmie 4 (epfl)
[DIR]algo_epfl.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:3168.29KCours d'algorithmie (epfl)
[DIR]backdoor-gen_rsa.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:31223.79KTwenty years of attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem
[DIR]d-loop.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:31191.71KA technique for optimizing loops containing conditional branches
[DIR]ihm.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:3170.22Kconception d'une interface homme machine
[DIR]intro_gene_sys_exploit.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:31144.49Kintro et generalite sur les systemes d'exploitation (epfl)
[DIR]introduction_a_la_prog.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:31189.75Kintroduction a la prog (epfl)
[DIR]iv-spec.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:3184.03KSpecifications de Intravenous AI (renforcement de secu ?)
[DIR]osvade.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:311.11MAn Operating Systems Vade Mecum (for comp. students)
[DIR]structure_donnees.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:31615.30KStrucutres de données
[DIR]systeme_information.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:31124.23Kcours sur les systemes d'information (epfl)
[DIR]systeme_information2.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:3156.52Kcours sur les systemes d'information 2 (epfl)

Le joyau, le centre réel, c'est l'oeil à  l'intérieur de l'oeil. Vis ta mémoire et ton émerveillement. [JK]
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