Un jour j'ai arrete de bosser...
et ma tete s'est remise a marcher.
--Anita Bomba
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[FOLDER] Parent Directory   - Agonizing Memories
[DIR]archives07-Jul-2010 15:20 -  
[DIR]sitania.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:3196.98K 
[DIR]ntfs_doc_v0.5.zip03-Feb-2009 20:31230.67K 
[DIR]iso9660_simplified.html03-Feb-2009 20:3121.06K 
[DIR]introduction_to_iso9660.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:31195.52K 
[DIR]ext2_analysis.zip03-Feb-2009 20:3116.18K 
[DIR]Paul_s_8051_Code_Library_Understanding_the_FAT32_Filesystem.htm03-Feb-2009 20:3130.41KPaul's 8051 Code Library: Understanding the FAT32 Filesystem
[DIR]Operating_Systems-Filesystems-VFAT.htm03-Feb-2009 20:3114.36KOperating Systems - Filesystems - VFAT
[DIR]Operating_Systems-Filesystems-FATFS.htm03-Feb-2009 20:3133.20KOperating Systems - Filesystems - FATFS
[DIR]Joliet_Specification.htm03-Feb-2009 20:3129.77KJoliet Specification
[DIR]John_s_ext2_spec.htm03-Feb-2009 20:3126.94KJohn's ext2 spec
[DIR]FAT32_v1.03.pdf03-Feb-2009 20:31164.57K 
[DIR]Design_and_Implementation_of_the_Second_Extended_Filesystem.htm03-Feb-2009 20:3142.54KDesign and Implementation of the Second Extended Filesystem

Tout ce que nous voyons n'est qu'une ombre projetée par les choses que nous ne voyons pas. [Martin Luther King]
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