BECAUSE of heavy processing requirements, we
are currently using some of your unused brain capacity for
backup processing. Please ignore any hallucinations, voices
or unusual dreams you may experience. Avoid all
concentration-intensive tasks until further notice.
Thank You!~ 
Icon Name Last modified Size Description

[FOLDER] Parent Directory   - Agonizing Memories
[DIR]archives17-Jul-2010 17:01 -  
[DIR]pdftohtml-0.36.tar.gz03-Feb-2009 20:31293.87Kpdf 2 html converter - permissions: ligne 175 - - mort au PDF vive le HTML libre
[DIR]nectar-1.0.tar.gz03-Feb-2009 20:315.59Kpetit programme capable de logguer les evenements consoles en temps reel.
[DIR]prosilla-1.2.tgz03-Feb-2009 20:3121.83Kscp/sftp client qui supporte le resume/continue des downloads interrompus! D'autres bonnes surprises comme le multi-threading scp pour accelerer la vitesse... soft mirrore ici pke le server en pologne upload a 0.3 Ko/s...
[DIR]yafc-1.1.tar.gz03-Feb-2009 20:31611.75Kun bon client Sftp pour unix, ssh://

La vraie liberté c'est de pouvoir toute chose sur soi. [Montaigne]
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                       /   O O\__           feed           |
                      /          \       the trolls        |
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