############################################################################### # cast of characters from The Complete Moby(tm) Shakespeare world.std.com:/obi/ # Don Olivier, Harvard School of Public Health don@hsph.harvard.edu ############################################################################### Abergavenny Albany Alencon Anne Antony Archbishop of York Arragon Artemidorus Aufidius Austria Bastard Bedford Bevis Bigot Bishop of Ely Bishop of Winchester Blanch Blount Bourbon Brakenbury Brutus Buckingham Burgundy Cade Caesar Cambridge Canterbury Cardinal Catesby Cato Christopher Cinna the Poet Clarence Clifford Colevile Coriolanus Cornwall Countess Dauphin Denny Dick Dorset Douglas Duchess Duchess of York Duke Duke Orsino Duke Solinus Duke Vincentio Duke of York Earl of Worcester Edward Ely Erpingham Essex Exeter Exton Falstaff Fastolfe Friar Peter Friar Thomas Gargrave George Glandsdale Gloucester Gobbo Grey Guildford Gurney Hastings Henry Bolingbroke Henry Percy Henry of Richmond Herbert Holland Horner Hotspur Hubert Hugh Mortimer Hume Hymen Iden Jaques De Boys John Mortimer Katharine Kent King King Claudius King Edward IV King Henry IV King Henry VI King Henry VIII King Lear King Lewis XI King Philip King Richard II King Richard III King of France Lancaster Lartius Launcelot Lepidus Lincoln Lord Polonius Lovel Lovell Lucy Marcus Menenius Michael Montague Montgomery Morocco Mortimer Mowbray Norfolk Northumberland Octavius Orleans Oxford Page Pembroke Peter Pompey Popilius Prince Prince Edward Prince Fortinbras Prince Henry Princess Queen Queen Elizabeth Queen Gertrude Queen Isabel Queen Katharine Queen Margaret Ratcliff Richard Richmond Rivers Robert Rutland Salisbury Sands Say Scales Scroop Sicinius Sir Andrew Sir Humphrey Sly Smith Somerset Somerville Stafford Stanley Suffolk Surrey Talbot Tyrrel Vaughan Vaux Vernon Warwick Westmoreland York