Enthogene/Entheogen Une plante ou derive qui apporte une comprehension de processus/apprendre. http://madchat.org/esprit/texture/shpongle.html (DMT found in Brain, a la fin) http://www.lycaeum.org/misc/entheogen.shtml Definition of "Entheogenic" Quick: mind altering, psychedelic, spirit inducing, shamanistic substance Aka: Mushrooms, LSD, Ibogaine, Mescaline, Ketamine, PCP, DMT, ... but also in a lesser extent Hash/Weed, Ecstasy... http://www.freecyb.com/cybrairie/entheogen.html Why the name ? " In 1978, R. Gordon Wasson convened an informal committee of researchers interested in the ethnopharmacognosy of shamanic inebriants, to look for a substitute for inadequate terms like "hallucinogenic" (which implied delusion and/or falsity, besides suggesting pathology to psychotherapists), "psychotomimetic" (implying also pathology) and "psychedelic" (besides being a pejorative term prejudicing shamanic inebriants in the eyes of persons unfamiliar with the field, this term had become so invested with connotations of 1960s western "counterculture" as to make it incongruous to speak of a shaman ingesting a psychedelic plant). I have summarized of psychedelic and hallucinogenic in my recent book Pharmacotheon. Members of our committee were classical scholars Carl A.P. Ruck and Danny Staples of Boston University, and independent ethnobotanists Jeremy Bigwood, Wasson and me. One of Ruck's early suggestions was epoptic from the Greek eptotes to describe initiates to the Eleusinian Mysteries who had seen ta hiera, "the holy." Wasson didn't like this term... as he said, it sounded like "pop, goes the weasel"! I proposed Pharmacotheon, which had the advantage of already being in the Oxford English Dictionary, nut it seemed too much of a mouthful, besides not adapting gracefully to the adjectival form. We finally settled on the neologism entheogen[ic], from the Greek entheos, a term used by the ancient Greeks to describe prophetic or poetic inspiration. The term means literally "realizing the divine within, " and can be seen as the user realizing that the divine infuses all of the creation, or specifically that the entheogenic plant is itself infused with the divine. It is not a theological term, makes no reference to any deity, and is not meant to be a pharmacological term for designating a specific chemical class of drugs (psychedelic, for example, has come to be seen by some sensu strictu as a term to designate mescaline-like Beta-phenethylamines or DMT-like tryptamines). Rather, it is a cultural term to include all the shamanic inebriants-sacraments, *plant teachers*, the stock-in-trade of shamans the world over. As Bernard Orti'z de Montellano has pointed out, this word best reflects traditional conceptions of shamanic inebriation, as indicated by ancient Na'huatl terms itech quiniehua "it takes possession of him" or itech quiza "it comes out in him" to describe this [Orti'z de Montellano 1990]. We launched the neologism in the Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, in an issue which I edited and in wich I suggested the name be changed to Journal of Entheogenic Drugs [Ruck et al. 1979]. This didn't come to pass, but I think it influenced the editors to change the name to Journal of Psychoactive Drugs two years later, consigning psychedelic ever more to the obscurity it deserves. By my count, our new word has appeared in print in at least seven languages; the major European languages plus Catalan, and has been widely accepted by leading experts in the field. I expect the recent publication of my Pharmacotheon to establish the word solidly in the English-, German- and Spanish-speaking worlds. " Jonathan Ott (in Ayahuasca Analogues) http://www.mapinc.org/ccnews/v01/n606/a06.html?345 The war on drugs is not a war on substances; it's a war on states of mind !!! Entheogens are not illegal because a loving government is concerned that you're going to hurt yourself by smoking pot or tripping in your bedroom. * Entheogens ARE illegal because they make you question authority. * They break down socially constructed fables and cleanse the doors of perception. They make you question the wrongs of society in a fundamental way, making you dangerous. You're like Neo in The Matrix when all of the illusions of reality have been irrevocably stripped away. http://www.cognitiveliberty.org/ http://alchemind.org/ NdReposito> On le traduit en francais si on a des demandes > /|mail|.php3 Kanija>tellement de souffrances dues a la societe